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Disease reporting from an automated laboratory-based reporting system to a state health department via local county health departments.




OBJECTIVE: The authors assessed the completeness of disease reporting from a managed care organization's automated laboratory-based reporting system to the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) via local public health departments. METHODS: The authors identified all positive laboratory tests for 1997 from the computerized database of Kaiser Permanente Northern California for seven infections for which there are statutory reporting requirements: Campylobacter jejuni, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptosporidium parvum, hepatitis A, Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Salmonella (N = 7,331 reports). Cases were then matched by computer query to records of cases reported to CDHS. To determine why cases were not found in CDHS records, a sample of un-matched cases was searched at two county health departments. RESULTS: Overall, 84.5% (95% CI 83.4, 85.6) of the laboratory reports submitted with accompanying demographic information were successfully matched with cases in the CDHS disease surveillance database. Frequency of matching for specific diseases ranged from 79.4% (95% CI 75.6, 83.3) for N. gonorrhoeae to 88.4% (95% CI 85.3, 91.6) for C. jejuni. Reports were more likely to be matched when the county of residence was the same as the county of the health care facility. At the county level, reasons for failure of cases to be forwarded to CDHS included: errors due to manual data entry, failure to forward information from the county of diagnosis to the county of residence, and incorrect disease coding. CONCLUSION: Automated laboratory-based reporting is highly effective, but some data are lost with off-line transfer of information. To optimize surveillance accuracy and completeness, reporting at all levels should be done via direct electronic data transfer.
机译:目的:作者评估了疾病管理报告的完整性,这些疾病报告是通过管理的医疗组织基于实验室的自动化报告系统,通过当地公共卫生部门提交给加利福尼亚卫生服务部门(CDHS)的。方法:作者从北加州凯撒永久医学实验室的计算机数据库中确定了1997年所有阳性实验室检查,其中有法定报告要求的七种感染:空肠弯曲菌,沙眼衣原体,小球隐孢子虫,甲型肝炎,脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌,淋病奈瑟氏球菌和沙门氏菌(N = 7,331次报告)。然后通过计算机查询将案件与报告给CDHS的案件记录进行匹配。为了确定为什么在CDHS记录中未找到病例,在两个县卫生部门搜索了一个不匹配的病例样本。结果:总体而言,提交的84.5%(95%CI 83.4,85.6)的实验室报告以及随附的人口统计学信息已与CDHS疾病监测数据库中的病例成功匹配。特定疾病的匹配频率范围从淋病奈瑟氏球菌的79.4%(95%CI 75.6,83.3)到空肠弯曲杆菌的88.4%(95%CI 85.3,91.6)。如果居住所在的县与医疗机构所在的县相同,则更有可能匹配报告。在县一级,未能将案件转发给CDHS的原因包括:由于手动数据输入导致的错误,无法将信息从诊断县转发到居住县以及疾病编码不正确。结论:基于实验室的自动报告是非常有效的,但是由于离线信息传递,一些数据会丢失。为了优化监视的准确性和完整性,应通过直接电子数据传输在各个级别进行报告。



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